Saturday, September 20, 2008

you are not alone

Somehow, when I'm in the middle of my own little soap opera, I forget that other people have gone through what I've gone through and have weathered the storm very nicely thank you.

It seems I get into a big sulk sometimes and just want to savour it, wallow in it, splash around for a while in that giant pond of despondency....all the while telling myself that anyone else would do the same, if only they knew the pain of whatever dilemma I've gotten myself into.

Sometimes it helps to know that others have felt the same way about things - and even if I don't know anyone personally who has, I can certainly imagine that there is one more person somewhere on the planet that is fighting the same battles I am.

Knowing that I'm not the first to suffer, and that I certainly am not the last who will - kind of takes the self righteousness out of the mellow drama and cuts the problem down to size.


1 comment:

Grace said...

"the pain of whatever dilemma I've gotten myself into."

Isn't that the truth. I am my worst enemy!

Crystal, you have such a wonderful way with words ... such clarity.