Friday, March 12, 2010

simpleton faith

So. I've been told that God has a plan for my life and that if I would only somehow shift myself off of my inward axis and allow Him to rule where self is seated, then He will live through me and accomplish all of His plans and my place in Heaven will be secured.

I have had the Bible verse quoted to me, 'it is no longer I that live but Christ that lives in me.' I've stared at diagrams of a circle with a little throne in the middle of it with a big letter 's' on it and then a second circle the same except there is the letter 'C' on it and the circle represents my life. The latter circle seems to be the one that is desired.

I can't imagine. I can't even fully grasp what this thing called 'self' really is and its even more confusing to try to figure out how to get rid of it. I've poured over the tracts and asked all manner of pastors, priests, and christians who believe themselves to have successfuly accomplished this task only to discover that these folks are just as ordinary and sinful as me.

so. After much delliberation and prayer and the passage of years, I've come to the conclusion that there are 3 very important things that I can aspire to at all times.

1- to love God
2- treat others exactly the way I want to be treated
3- keep my life as simple as possible and do whatever I'm doing in the moment well and attentively.

Keeping these 3 things in mind at all times isn't easy - and carrying them out isn't always easy either.....but its a concept I can grasp.


1 comment:

fuzzy said...

Not only does He live in us, He has made us perfect before God! What a gift! What we could not even come close to accomplishing as simple sinful humans He has made possible through His death on the cross. He does not want us to live with guilt Crystal. He is such a forgiving and wonderful God. All we can do is to strive to be more like Him and keep our faith through the good times and the dark times. How He has brought me through some horrible times where I could actually smile knowing that I had given all my woes to Him to handle. God Rocks! You are so beautiful to Him Crystal. Your faith is wonderful. That's all He requires. <3 You have inspired me so many times. Thanks sweetie.