Wednesday, June 16, 2010

unseen victories

I have been told that there is a constant battle raging between good and evil unseen by mortal eyes and that when my mortal life is over and I look with the eyes of my spirit, I will be stunned to know how much activity was going on all around me for my entire life....and not only that, but the things I did in my flesh had an impact upon that invisible battle.

Its odd to think that every action I take somehow alters the spectral activity in my vicinity...and not only me, but the choices and actions taken by every person also affects the battle around them and in a cascading sort of way the heavenly places are impacted.

I am so grateful that the living God is in all places and knows all things and is constantly taking action on behalf of us all for our benefit. I am so glad that God is mighty to save.

If my puny mind can wring these few confused and muddled words. Then how can it ever begin to fathom the staggering victory that Jesus won on the cross? then there's the whole resurrection thing too. This is too big for me.

If all my words come to nought and if my mind should suddenly be still and I cease to be....then let these words remain. Christ the Lord is risen, risen indeed! The victory is His!


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