Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Just between us

Sometimes I like to praise God by simply clapping my hands a couple of times.

Who can be offended by that? Who needs to know that I'm sending up a private acknowledgement to the Lord?

Of course there are times where I don't feel the need to keep my dialogue with the Lord so private, yet it sure is nice to know that I can have a moment with him that is mine and mine alone.

Such moments are precious to me.


1 comment:

Grace said...

Crystal, you have such wonderful insight. Who would have thought that simply clapping your hands could be praising God .... but why not? I laughed with happiness when I read that.

I have been struggling lately (well for more than a year) and haven't been attending church. I don't know why but only 2 people have noticed (one is my mom). However, I feel closer to God than ever, and I often wake up singing His praises in my mind.